About Me

Drawing on my background in engineering, my passion for language learning, and my talent for software development, I offer a unique combination of technical and creative skills to any project. My focus is on crafting visually appealing and user-friendly software that effectively addresses the requirements of both clients and users, and I am dedicated to consistently delivering top-notch results.


Css CSS3
Tailwindcss Tailwind
JavaScript JavaScript
Ruby Ruby
Python Python
React React
Rails Rails
postgresql PostgreSQL
firebase Firebase
swagger Swagger
git Git
github GitHub
Linux Linux
console iTerm2
vscode VScode


A little forward about myself –

I genuinely enjoy learning, expanding my realm of competence, tinkering with gadgets, and figuring out unique solutions. I’m quite curious minded by nature, and strive to understand the underlying mechanisms that drive our world.

I have a relatively newfound passion for language learning with an aspiration of becoming a serial polyglot. Currently, I'm in the midst of reading a simplified version of the Chinese classic Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and I occasionally dabble in some comprehensible input material on YouTube in Spanish & Mandarin. In my spare time, I’m also working towards developing a graded reader application to assist myself and others acquire language through assimilation with engaging stories.

While enjoying my leisure time, you’ll typically find me listening to audiobooks or podcasts centered around science/technology/history, or drenched in the sauna getting my daily hormesis.

I look forward to hearing from you, and hopefully we get the opportunity to work together in the future!